Was at a Anti Fracking meeting this afternoon, and when telling everyone about myself, and the blog Fracktoid someone asked, "What's next, Frackturds?" After some discussion, it was decided that such a blog, and its title had/has merit. A blog that throws out articles, links and examples of those involved in the ugly practice, both directly and indirectly of Hydraulic Fracturing. So, as the weeks and months go by, if there is breaking news on yet another Natural Gas Well accident (think Chesapeake Energy), or we find examples of FALSE FRONT ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS , that upon closer examination are Straw Men, propaganda fronts for natural gas. If you see news happening, or have a company or organization you want to see named a FRACKTURD, just email us some information, a link to their site, or even photographs of their drilling sites. Email our editor at fracktoidnews@yahoo.com
The organization focuses specifically on educational programs that allow students at all grade levels to learn more about the importance and significance of the natural gas industry. Additionally, Energize West Virginia works closely with vocational, technical and higher education institutions to promote programs to train prospective employees within the industry.
Energize West Virginia also disseminates information to the general public about the industry, its products and the economic impact to the state. In conjunction with this public relations effort, Energize WV promotes employment opportunities within the natural gas industry and advocates for the safe and efficient use of industry products.
Just the words quoted here from their About Page are enough to qualify Energize West Virginia as a Frackturd. Question becomes, where are they getting the money to go into our institutions of learning to spread their PROPAGANDA? It is suggested here, that a good place to start looking would be two-fold in scope. 1) West Virginia Oil and Gas Association (WVONGA) 2) Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGAWV) You can get far more sure that this organization is a PROPAGANDA MACHINE for the industry when you visit their Community Page where they try to assure the world they are, like State Farm, your good neighbor, when in reality the Natural Gas Industry is ANYTHING BUT A GOOD NEIGHBOR, and trust me, they are NOT THERE when trouble arises...IE, it took Chesapeake Energy 13 hours to put a team on the ground in Leroy TWP to deal with the Bradford County Well Head FAILURE.
Drilling for Natural Gas has been a West Virginia tradition for over a century. Exploration companies strive to work with landowners when extracting gas in order to minimally disturb the land as well as to reclaim it after the well is drilled. Many companies operate with a “best practices” policy to ensure the surface owners’ rights have been honored.
.....they go on further in their diatribe to say...
Environmentally, drilling for Natural Gas is the least obtrusive of any natural resource extracted. and it is the CLEANEST- BURNING Fossil Fuel.
Talk about a serious double dipping lie...that sentence wins the award. Since when is blowing up the ground using tens of millions of gallons of water and sand mixed with a LETHAL cocktail of Fracking Fluids that poison safe drinking water considered to be Least Obtrusive? Then their claim of Natural Gas being the cleanest burning fossil fuel...where is Paul Harvey saying, "and now for the rest of the story"? It's a repeat of the Nuclear Energy and their false claims of being a clean green energy...HELLO...the most carbon intensive industrial process in the world is the extraction of uranium and its change over into fuel rods. Saying Natural Gas is the CLEANEST BURNING fossil fuel ignores the practice of well pad burn off, and ignores the very real fact that over 20 years, Natural Gas (because of the METHANE) is a larger contributor to Green House gases, and thus GLOBAL WARMING than is coal.
So, our FIRST FRACKTURD is none other than ENERGIZE WV(with(unNatural Gas) You can find out a LOT MORE about their PUBLIC PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN on their Facebook Page or listen to the most BOGUS Pop Quiz filled with PROPAGANDA here. In a real DISSAPPOINTMENT, it turns out that television and film actor John Corbett, a Wheeling native, will be the voice of a new radio campaign for Energize WV...we need someone to sit down with this sheep led astray and educate him, maybe let him watch Gasland.
CONGRATULATIONS EnergizeWV, you are officially a FRACKTURD.
Always look forward for such nice post & finally I got you. Really very impressive post & glad to read this. Good luck & keep writing such awesome content.
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